Events Calendar

Workshop - Jingle Bells Turkish Style
Sunday, December 14, 2014, 02:00pm - 05:00pm


Come enjoy a fun-filled holiday themed workshop & get into the spirit belly dance style.  You will learn & drill a basic zill pattern & then set your zills to ringing while learning a cute whimsical dance to a Turkish version of Jingle Bells. This dance is super cute, so fun to perform & always a crowd favorite. 

This Workshop is open to all levels, including Beginners!

Special Offer: Dress up in a festive holiday themed outfit for the workshop to get 20% off anything you buy @ our shop on the day the workshop!

Prop required: Zills (aka finger cymbals; available for purchase at the studio, starting at $7)

Only $25 early bird rate, $35 at the door. Sign up now and save!

Beginner Choreography